"I'm looking for 5 NEW clients and show them exactly how to sell like hell ( without losing their souls)"

( and are ready to start
doing it differently!)

The CreActive90* Challenge is all about unlocking your Brand Activisim by being CreActive ;

  • The mechanics on how you are different - delving deep into you and your business and more...
  • Creating the BIG IDEA, the STORY and the WORDS that give you the hook, the driving force for your business...
  • Filling in the gaps in your marketing - review what you've got, get it better, Bite Size Challenges and find quick wins
  • Getting your new Creative+Copy work nailed - no run of the mill stuff - this is Creative+Copy that is mind blowing, edgy maybe, possibly award winning, but deffo Creative+Copy that sells and sells...
  • Building the campaigns that keep on working - planned and delivered with minimal effort...
  • Choosing the media that gets you the maximum return for your investment...(and it's not necessarily bloody social media!)
  • Hands on, bespoke, with me, the CreActivist who is Doing it Differently!
  • Marketer, Mentor and Motivator - Guaranteed!

*CreActivate90 is owned and delivered by Doing it Differently!

"This Changed my business forever and Now The marketing just keeps on working for me"

For the busy business owner, marketing that will make a difference...

Timeless Proving Winning Ways to Grow Your Business, in 90 days. Guaranteed!


Find out more here - limited availability!

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